Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Graphic Design Software Inkscape

Graphic Design Software
Free Software Inkscape

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Understanding software Inkscape ... ?
# Inkscape is software ( Software ) vector processors that are open source ( Free ) licensed under the GNU GPL ( GNU General Public License ) and its main objectives into vector graphics processing device that meets the standards of XML , SVG and CSS .
# Inkscape as well as software Corel Draw , Adobe Illustrator and other , different Inkscape with Software is the use of SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics ) which now meets the W3C XML standard .
# Inkscape is an open source software that nature / free in its use .
# Inkscape initiated in 2013 as a software development project Sodipodi .
# Sodipodi was the precursor Inkscape that was developed since 1999 ( but is no longer active ) based on GILL ( Gnome Illustration Application ) brainchild of Raph Levien .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://inkstutor.blogspot.com/2014/01/apa-itu-inkscape.html
2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_NB6fbqQ_LonlcYrGAQyog
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Monday, 9 February 2015

List Of Ad Networks For Publishers

About Posts :
1. AdSense
Google Adsense is an online advertising program that is owned by Google . Google Adsense is the quickest and easiest way for the owner of the website / blog to make money from the internet .
The trick is to put Google Adsense ads on your web / blog , if there are other people or visitors to your site / blog ad clicks then you will get a commission from Google .

2. Chitika
Chitika is an advertising program for the Advertiser and Publisher . Based PPC ( Pay per Click) like Google Adsense but have many differences , one of them non-English -speaking website could also in Klaten WEB.com Approve as an example . So arguably alernative Chitika Google Adsense .

3. InfoLink
What it Infolinks , Infolinks is one provider of In- Text advertising service that was established in 2007 , which allows the owner of the Web Content Publisher or commonly called the Web , for the benefit of In - text advertising in the form of advertising revenue without risk . Infolinks also provide competitive revenue sharing to the web as well as the Issuer is done by Google Adsense , Adbrite , Kontera .

4. Bidvertiser
Bidvertiser is a rival google adsense , so similar Bidvertiser with adsense , the difference is from the category of advertising used ( or commonly known as the keyword for the publisher ) and geo -targeting ads to advertisers or advertiser .

5. AdsenseCamp
AdsenseCamp is a site in which there are a system to advertise any product or by the advertiser or the Advertiser that will be advertised by the blogger or publisher called , the system is called PCC ( Paid Per Click ) . In AdsenseCamp , we are allowed to be Advertiser or Publisher , but if we do not have your own product to sell , we can enroll into a Publisher .

6. KumpulBlogger
KumpulBlogger.com is Indonesian Blogger Network to earn extra income alternatives , by providing spot / space on your blog as a place to deliver commercial messages from the Advertiser . To get panghasilan of KumpulBlogger.com , you simply create a simple blog , and then register to KumpulBlogger.com . Advertise in the form of Text Links and Mini Banner on your blog . Do not worry , your blog instantly approved .
Every person who click on the ads there you blog , you paid 300 dollars . And my favorite , we will be paid after an income of 10,000 . Through bank transfer . And in kumpulblogger no banned terms , so if we are not going to accidentally clicking it sanctioned anything .

Video Tutorials :
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Bibliography :
1. http://apaitugoogleadsense.blogspot.com/2013/12/Apa-itu-Adsense.html
2. http://www.klatenweb.com/article-411-Apa-itu-Chitika-Kelebihan-Syarat-Cara-Mendaftar-Kenapa-Iklan-tidak-muncul.html
3. http://mediainformasill.blogspot.com/2012/04/infolinks-adalah-merupakan-salah-satu.html
4. http://menbis.blogspot.com/2012/03/apa-itu-bidvertiser-terbukti-membayar.html
5. http://coretan-uman.blogspot.com/2013/03/Apa-itu-Adsense-Indonesia-atau-AdsenseCamp.html
6. https://asrix.wordpress.com/apa-itu-kumpulbloggercom/
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Collection Of Video Tutorials

Video Youtube
Video Tutorials with Youtube

About Posts :
# YouTube is a website that provides a wide range of video from video clips to movies , and videos created by youtube users themselves .

# As for some other benefits for the users of youtube is a means to market their products , as a means of advertising that is free , can be a variety of science . Not only as a means of entertainment , but some youtube users also upload various video tutorials are very useful .

# But not a few flaws that can endanger the user . Examples such as the amount of information that is misleading and the subsequent shortage is for those who have an internet connection is not good , the picture will be halting and takes a long time to meloading whole video .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_NB6fbqQ_LonlcYrGAQyog
2. http://bornlines.blogspot.com/
3. http://mantuidaman.blogspot.com/2012/11/pengertian-manfaat-dan-kekurangan.html
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Sunday, 8 February 2015

How To Make a Youtube Channel

About Channel Youtuba
How To Make a Youtube Channel

About Posts :
Channel on YouTube is the main page for an account . and will display the account name , account type , all public videos that they upload , and they enter the user information and published .

You can change or adjust the color of the background and channel scheme along with arranging some header information that appears on the cover of the channel .

YouTube channel you can also show your favorite videos from other users that you like , you want the activity stream , comments penggunjung your youtube channel , customers , and other social networking features you have.

For a tutorial of making the channel on youtube please watch the video tutorial below .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://google.about.com/od/k/g/YouTube_channel_Def.htm 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSgj6xAeglo
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Create a Twitter Account Latest 2015

Twitter Latest 2015 Free
Create a Twitter Account Latest 2015

About Posts :
Twitter is Social Networking that restrict users to send a tweet with a limit of 140 words , not more . Twitter to Facebook to have similarities and differences .
Twitter and Facebook similarity is equally useful service Social Network to interconnect between the users with other users .
The difference is that if Facebook users to send status facebook Limit to 400 words more , but if Twitter only allows 140 words .
Twitter was founded and opened in 2006 precisely in March .
Founded by Jack Dorsey .
Social Networking Twitter is well known by everyone in the world .

Create a Twitter Account Latest 2015
1. Open a web browser .
2. Type twitter .
3. Sign "Welcome to Twitter - Log in or Sign up" .
4. Fill in the registration form " New to Twitter ? Sign up".
# Full name.
# Email.
# Password.
5. Click the button " Sing Up For Twitter ".
6. Enter the " Username" Twitter account .
7. Select the " State " and No your phone .
8. Enter Code " Verify " That 's been sent to your Number .
9. Next, please watch the video tutorial below .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. https://rahman371.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/pengertian-twitter/ 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4jbUmDsJLo
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Social Media Tutorials

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Bibliography :
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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Create a Account On Facebook For Free

sing up new account facebook
Create Account Facebook Free 2015

About Posts :
# Facebook is one of the many Social Network or Social Networking Site in the web universe .
# Facebook first attended in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg as its founder .
# In the early days , Facebook is only intended for students of Harvard University .

# The benefits and advantages of Facebook.
1. In Place For Finding Friends , most noticeably benefit from the star is that we can find our old friend here .
2. The promotion , can be a very effective media campaign . I myself have use facebook by using the page as a promotional Indovisual Presentatama my site .
3. Place the discussion , one of the features on this social networking site is a group , which serves as a forum . You can talk about anything .
4. In Place For making the connection , for example to find a girlfriend , because it's easy on facebook we get a girlfriend .
5. As The Learn And Play , in addition to play , on facebook also be used to study the science that we have never made ​​before.
6. Establish a relationship , Islam encourages us to manjaga mutual ties between fellow Muslims .
7. The place of learning , a lot of learning games here , as a test toefl and so forth .

# Disadvantages of Facebook.
Besides having excess facebook also has disadvantages , Here is the loss of facebook :
1. Can Reduce your time effectively , because you can play facebook for hours .
2. Pornography , facebook is possible for the spread of photographs of pornography .
3. Can Spend your money , you could be playing hours and can spend your money .

# Create a Account On Facebook For Free
1. Open your webbrowser.
2. Enter the search boxed facebook.
3. Click on the "Welcome to Facebook - Log In , Sign Up or Learn More".
4. Fill in the registration form .
# First name Last Name.
# Email or mobile number.
# New password .
# Determine Date of Birth .
# Define Gender .
# Make sure your data is correct .
5. Click to register .
Furthermore, can be viewed in the video tutorial below :
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. https://indovisualprojector.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/pengertian-fungsi-keuntungan-dan-kerugian-facebook/
2. https://bornlines.blogspot.com
3. https://facebook.com/bornlines
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Create Free Blogspot

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Bibliography :
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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Create Google Account

Creater Free Account Gmail
Create Google Account

About Posts :
Understanding Gmail ...?
# Gmail or also known as Google Mail is a web -based email service provided by Google for free , service was launched on March 21, 2004 .

# Here are 10 features GMail excellence by Google :
1. Protection from Spam .
2. Easy to search for your emails.
3. It is easier to follow the discussion , aided layout topic / thread well-structured.
4. The integrated chat facility.
5. Grouping email by filtering / filtering , labeling and star are not limited.
6. Can be accessed by phone (mobile device ).
7. Large capacity - and the greater.
8. There are ads - but not enough to disturb saving time.
9. Free !

# Google Plus is a new social network launched by the Internet giant , Google . Of course this is done to erode the dominance of Facebook, which is very glorious in the world of social networking in recent years , Google Plus was developed by the project name " Emerald Sea " , this secret project itself takes one more year and led by Google 's Senior VP of Social , Vic Gundotra and Google VP Product of Google Apps , Bradley Horowitz sertadiperkirakan cost around 585 million dollars . Currently Google plus has consisted of nearly 20 million users in the second week after its release . With so many members , admin google google plus plusmembatasi number of members by simply using the invite system for each registration .

#Create Gmail Account
1. Open a web browser such as ( ' Mozilla ' , ' Google Chrome ' ) .
2. Write down ' GMAIL ' boxed search your web browser .
3. Click the ' Create Account ' .
4. Fill in the registration form .
5. Check [ ] I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy google .
6. Click Create Account .
7. Finish.
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://bornlines.blogspot.com/2015/01/cara-mudah-membuat-mendaftar-sing-up.html
2. https://syahrudin41810039.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/pengertian-gmail-dan-apa-itu-google-mail/
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Card Design

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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Design Keychains

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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html


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Bibliography :
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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Banner Design 2015

Latest Banner Design 2015

About Posts :
# Banner is one of the printed media campaign with the Digital Print is generally shaped Portrait or Vertical . Banner is a simplified form of billboards .

Banner frequently encountered in Store Cassette , An Event products , Banks , malls , and shops , from selling eat until Salon almost all having Banner .

Why Banner frequently used ? Because the banner easily moveable position , easily rolled , durable and practical ( simple ) .

type of Material
Flexi Flexi Korea and China : the same quality
Flexi Germany : Quality over Flexi Korea ( more expensive ) . Excess material Germany , pores finer material than the Flexi Korea and China Flexes
Abadros : better quality for indoor . Excess material is abadrose smooth surfaces make the design more focus .

General size
120 cm x 60 cm
160 cm x 60 cm
40 cm x 25 cm

# Web banners are no moving parts in a Web document scrollbar though we rolled up to the end of the document . Banners can also be interpreted as a large writing to promote something . banner can also be a picture to show a promotion or solicitation in many ways .

# Web banner has several functions . The following functions according to some web banner blog / website :

# According Bussiness function is as a medium of web banner advertising , promotion , publicity , a friendship and a variety of other interests .

# According Corner Website Functionality banner in a website besides adding webiste look more attractive is to highlight the content that we deem essential for the unknown by visitors are usually in the form of banner ads or banner promo , so visitors will be easier to see the ads or promos that we show .

# Meanwhile, according to Joe web banners Color Management function is as follows :

1. Adding to the appeal of web / blog
Banner that we put on the web / blog , could add to the look of web / blog more interesting . So that visitors linger in your blog . You can place a banner in the header of the web / blog .
2. As cirikhas / your identity
By creating a banner , you are trying to demonstrate to visitors about who you are and what you wrote in your blog . That means , you create a brand for you and your website / blog .
3. As a promotional tool
Banner is an effective promotional tool . By entrusting your banner in the web / blogs that are well known and many visitors , you may wish they would stop by on your blog by clicking on the banner .
4. Highlighting the contents of your blog
Banners can also be used to highlight the contents of the web / blog . Visitors can find out or at least imagine the content of the web / blog of your banner .

General size
125 px x 125 px
480 px x 60 px
Video Tutorials :
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Bibliography :
1. http://gleenook.blogspot.com/2013/07/pengertian-banner.html
2. https://heztytatawarna.wordpress.com/2013/12/06/pengertian-web-banner-dan-fungsinya/
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Website Design

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Bibliography :
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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Logo Design

Organisasi Star-up Pemuda Tuban
Bornline Tuban Project Community
About Posts :
# Description Logo Bornline Tuban Project Community
1. The horse symbolizes the origin of the city is the city of Tuban .
2. Horses stand symbolizes perseverance .
3. The color red symbolizes courage burning .
4. The white color symbolizes the sanctity of our ideals .
5. Form a circle symbolizes the unity that never end .

# Operating system and software used to create the logo bornline Tuban is operating systems in Ubuntu 14:04 and software inkscape.
# Designer : AGUS SUTAROM.
# Location Bornline Tuban Community Project is located in the town of Tuban .

# Founder Bornline Tuban.
1. Agus Sutarom ( Chairman ).
2. M. Dodyk Rozikin ( Secretary ).
3. Careca Pratama Luntungan ( Treasurer ).
4. Yogi Duwi Setiyawan ( Operating Funds ).
5. Bagus Dwi Cahyono ( PR )
6. Imam subekti ( Developer Open Source ).
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. https://facebook.com/bornlines
2. https://twitter.com/bornlines
3. https://plus.google.com/u/1/114612818363178532110/posts
4. https://bornlines.blogspot.com
5. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_NB6fbqQ_LonlcYrGAQyog
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Design Favicon

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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Free Design

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# Graphic design is the art of communicating using paper , space , and images . This field is part of visual communication , graphic design comes from two pieces of the word , namely Design and Graphics , said design means the process or act to arrange everything before acting or designing . # While the graphics are dots or lines associated with the print prints . So with such a graphic design is a complex combination of words , images , figures , graphics, photographs and illustrations that require special thoughts of an individual who can combine elements elUnderstanding the graphic design is the art of communicating using paper , space , and images . This field is part of the visual communication . # Graphic design was originally applied to static media , such as books , magazines , and brochures . The times , graphic design is also applied in the electronic media , which is often referred to as interactive design or multimedia design . Border dimension has changed over the development of thinking about design . Graphic design can be implemented into a design environment that includes a processing chamber . # Element in graphic design as basic elements in other design disciplines . These elements ( including shape , shape (form ) , texture , line , space , and color ) form the basic principles of visual design . These principles , such as the balance ( balance) , rhythm ( rhythm ) , pressure ( emphasis ) , the proportion ( proportion) and unity (unity ) , then forming the structural aspects of a larger composition . # Graphic design is a branch of the science of art . Design in the development of graphic design in the computer aided design of an object . People who work in this field is called a designer , and a designer must have a minimum of five (5 ) Scientific dimensions , namely : 1. Insight Technology 2. Insights Science 3. Art Insights 4. Social and Cultural Insights 5. Wawacan Philosophy and Ethics
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Bibliography :
1. http://www.idseducation.com/2014/03/14/pengertian-dan-arti-desain-grafis/
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Account Registration

Definition Account
Account Registration

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Whether the account...?
# Account is data about a person , a minimum consists of a username and password. eg account : email , facebook , twitter , blogger ,youtube , etc. Accounts are usually used for specific purposes such as sending a message that can be text or image files , sound , or video. More details, account used to communicate .
# Account or accounts can be likened to a license / permission to access a forum / community , to get it , we must first register / sign up ... While the account itself consists of two essential elements that username and password , if one does not exist / lost / forgotten , it was not useful account alias denied / access denied .
# Accounts / account is none other than the identity or our profile ( name we own ) .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://temukanpengertian.blogspot.com/2013/01/pengertian-account.html
2. https://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100426090725AAJLt9U
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Article Publisher

Website Publisher
Article Publisher

About Posts :
# Understanding Publisher is someone who displays ads from advertisers products or services that will be posted on the blog site or website owned..
# Publisher is the owner of a website or a blog that has been registered and approved by the Google Adsense to put AdSense ads on their sites .
# Publisher which means the individual or company responsible for advertising and digital distribution ( ' online ' ) or printed publications ( ' Offline ' ) . Publisher also handles marketing efforts for publication ( proclaim to social ) and is usually not the creator of the material . Publisher only serves as an intermediary between the author and the publication of the consumer market .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://ferlykichigai.blogspot.com/2012/12/pengertian-publisher-pada-dunia-maya.html
2. http://belajarcafe.blogspot.com/2010/01/pengertian-publisher-web-publishing-dan.html
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Blogger Tutorials

Understanding Blogspot
Blogger Tutorials

About Posts :
# Understanding and Definition Blog
Blog comes from the words web and log ( weblog ) which means the online records ( which are on the web ) .
A more complete understanding , a blog is a Web site that contains the article , article or useful information that is updated (updated ) on a regular basis and can be accessed online either for public or private.
# Characteristic features:
Here are the characteristics of blogs in general
Having a name and address which can be accessed online
Having a goal
Having the content or postings of articles , notes , and other information
Or browse archived blog posts ( stored according to the date , month and year of post )
Blog contents are generally always added or updated in accordance with the purpose of the blog

# Purpose Blog General , among others :
Convey useful information for yourself and for others
Provide benefits for themselves or others
Hobby and pastime with positive activities
Work or self-actualization
Exchanging knowledge with readers , bloggers write , visitors give feedback or comments
sharing experiences
share useful software , such as photos , movies / videos , documents , etc.
many more , according to the type / topics raised

# Because blogs of various kinds , then the purpose of the blog is also influenced by the type of blog.
eg : >> Personal Blog Purpose : aims to provide information about yourself updated the blog owner . Regarding the experience , memorable things , diaries , personal travel notes , and so on
>> Purpose Health Blog : aims to provide the latest health information
>> Business Blog Purpose : aims to provide the latest information about the business of a company

More detailed information about the blog , please consult the website id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog
# Definition Blogger :
Blogger is a blog owner or author of the blog content .

# Ethics Blogger :
Has a good purpose
Creating articles / posts are original , not the copy paste ( plagiarism ) or other activities that infringe copyright ( without the owner's permission )
Do not make posts that harm others , disrupt , deceive ( spam ) , contains violence , sara issues , and other negative things

# Developments Blog :
Nowadays , especially in Indonesia , blogging activity is growing very rapidly with for different purposes . Most blogs are still describe the concept of a pure blogging , but most blogs are also developed in accordance with the will and purpose of the owner so much that contain material freely and sometimes out of the actual concept of blogging .

# splogs :
Splogs is the abbreviation of spam blogs , splogs generally contains spam information that can not be accounted truth , and be detrimental to a person or other parties .
Video Tutorials :
Bibliography :
1. http://cara-buat-blog-di.blogspot.com/2011/01/pengertian-blog.html
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEkPOSm6vxw
How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html

Blue Theme

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How to make a spoiler widget : http://taharonqi.blogspot.com/2013/12/cara-membuat-spoiler-keren.html